Thoughts from Airports. 

There’s something about an airport. I know I’m not the first to be mesmerized by the beauty that is a collection of people from all over the world, each on their own journey. (I mean, isn’t that what Love, Actually is actually about?) I’ve been in dozens of airports in my life and every time, I get that little thrill of embarking on an adventure and imagining the adventures of those around me. I don’t love flying, honestly the whole concept still kinda  freaks me out– like not even the metal hurtling through the sky part, but the fact that you walk into a room, sit down, wait a few hours and leave that same room in a different country. Where was I? Right, airports, I love them. There’s a piece of me that wanted to be Tom Hanks from The Terminal. (Except for the war torn country and borderline captivity thing.)

I’m writing this from a layover in Kansas City (not in Kansas) on my way to Panama City Beach, Florida for a spring break trip with Cru. (Because Missouri is in between Massachusetts and Florida, I guess? Sometimes I think the Southwest people have never seen a map of the U.S.) I love watching everyone waiting at their gates–the families, and couples, and those who are flying solo like me. There’s such energy, but simultaneously time is frozen. Like if I thought about the fact that I woke up in my bed in Boston and now I’m in the state of Missouri and there are thousands of people around me in this city and state living their lives and going about their normal days, my head might explode. This city is someone’s home, and I will probably never meet them, but they have a life and a family and a story all of their own. Gosh dangit, the world is a big place. 

I’m excited to be in Florida on Big Break this week and experience one more little leg of my journey — to meet new people I would never have met if I’d stayed in the little snow globe I call home. I can’t wait to see what God will do this week and how He will surpass every expectation. Wherever you are, I hope you’re enjoying this part of your story, too. Happy Spring Break!

❤ Lizzy 

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